Blissapline of life

Aug 8th to 12th 2025
Acebo Spain

Vision: Bringing together a collective of dancers, movers, and players
with a love for dance, movement, connection and devotion.
We will explore, expand, be curious to each form and no form
what it has to offer to express through the body.
Bring together years of collective dance experience from around the world. Each facilitator offers their preferred form of dance whilst opening to all forms for expression of each person’s unique spirit and movement.
We move with Yoga, Salsa, Zouk, Fusion, Contact improvisation, Freedance (ecstatic), etc. Fusing form for the love and curiosity of movement. When each form loosens the edges of what is, softening the form without losing it, allows limitless creative movement to unfold in the body
Exploring the elements and our relationship to nature and the connection to all. Opens the dance partners to be more than the human body. Connecting and dancing with space, fire, water, air and earth. Bringing consciousness to human touch, it beauty, power and healing that can be opened with touch.
When we dance we are spirit expressing joy in the body
..we become one with joy.
Are you curious?
Do you like blending different dances form for the fun of movement.
Do you like connection and touch for the beauty and joy of dance
Do you like combining ritual, devotion and ceremony into your daily practice of dance.
Here is the retreat for you..
Where : Lalita Devi Centre
3 hrs west of Madrid, Spain
3hrs east of Porto Portugal
Lalita is an oasis on the outskirts of the town of Acebo.
Nature nestless this living centre, with vase ancient beauty
Our main dance floor is a 30ft yurt with soft wooden floor and the temple space
Directions and how to get there and retreat shuttle bus, car shares details given on registration.
Facilitators from around the worlds dance floors: TBA
Christina (Aus)- holding the base, opening/ closing space, ecstatic dance, intergation & touch therapist
Glenda (Spain) -chi kung, yoga,
Alessandro (Brazil)- contact improvisation magician
Jessica (Aus)- zouk , bachata, dancephysio
Valentina (Germany)— Art theatre/play/ contact improvisation
All tickets include 3 meals and accomodation,
with tea and coffee facilities.
Early bird:
Until March 30th 2024
- camping own tent or van - 440 euro (475USD/ 725AUD)
- glamping tent twin share - 490 euro
- share room - 520 euro
Full ticket:
- camping own tent or van - 480 euro
- glamping tent twin share - 530 euro
- share room - 570 euro (615 USD/ 935 AUD)
(A 260AUD deposit secure your spot,
further payment will be sent once deposit is recieved )
Program : subject to change
Thursday 8th :
Registration arrival 2-4 pm
5 pm connection workshop/ introduction
6-8 pm dinner
8pm -10pm ecstatic dance / open dance floor
Friday 9th /Sat 10th / Sun 11th
7-9 am chi kung /yoga
8-10 am breakfast
10- 1 dance session - hall 10-12/30 dance session - yoga temple
1-3 lunch
3 - 5.30 dance session - hall 3 - 5.30 dance session - yoga temple
6-8 dinner
8-10 ecstatic dance /fusion/ open all in floor ( dance theatre one night?)
Monday 12th
7-9 am chi kung /yoga
8-10 am breakfast
10- 12 closing dance session
12-1 light lunch (optional not included)
Email love@embodyedayurveda.com
Whats ap / ph +61403191119
For any queries, booking issues, etc.