Blissapline of life
Ayurvedic care and support for life transitions,
Menses, Birth, Menopause and Death
Ayurvedic maternal care for the sacred postpartum window
Post Childbirth, Miscarriage, Abortion, Death or sudden trauma
Ayurdoula care is a necessity not a luxury for a womens health and wellbeing.
Woman are the heart,
thriving women means
thriving families, means
thriving community, means a thriving balanced world
Kayakalpa - an ayurvedic term for 'body time' is a time of significant transformation that is guided by the body. Postpartum is a kayakalpa.
a time of great importance for offering specific care to the needs of the body, mind, senses and emotions
The sacred 42 day window after an individual brings a child into the world is a time when intense opportunity for growth, healing, and rejuvenation are available. that can set up patternings that can effect the health and wellbeing of both mother, baby and family for the next 42 years.
No two individuals are the same and no two Sacred Window’s are the same. All postpartum individuals need ‘Rasayana (in Ayurveda refers to Restoration and Rejuvenation). It is a time of gentleness, slowness, softness, building, resting, soothing, sensitivity, gradual steps, mindfulness, love, quiet, sweetness, care, attention, unctuousness, oleation and integration. The body is wide open to recieve the benefits and rejuvenation of good choices in the body and mind whilst in a place of renewal thru the particular kayakalpa process.
Ayurvedas healing system is primarily about bringing ourselves into harmony and balance with nature, the elements. As an ayurdoula I identify and work with the nature of the elements present in the postpartum and kayapalpa period. Supporting with food and diet, oleation care, herbal decoctions, agni assesment and consultation, treatments and caregiving strengthens the clients ability to understand what is happening in the body, mind and emotions to give support and safety that is transmitted to the baby creating relaxed contented nourished humans
By preparing for Postpartum we can create a groundedness and assurance that allows you to relax into the vulnerability of change and know you are held, safe and nourished.
Postpartum caregiver session can be together
from the comfort of your home
or anywhere in the world via online
What people are saying after receiving
ayurdoula care from Christina:
Christina work is invaluable,
her knowledge of ayurveda is deep and grounded.
She made our transition into parenthood
an informed embodied and a delicious one..
Isabella and Luka
"We hired an Ayurveda doula for our first few weeks after birth.
She feed me simple, nourishing, easy to digest foods to help reignite my digestion.
She gave me warm oil massages to help keep lymphatic movement and ease muscle pain as I was resting in bed.
She made warm herbal baths to help me integrate my experience and fully return to my body.
She bound my belly with medicinal herbs and nourished me with grounding teas
She held my family as we all settled into being a family of 5.
This support healed me on more than just a physical level, to be so open and vulnerable, to let someone mother me with such divine love, it still brings tears to my eyes when I think about this time. It was a gift for our whole family having your support, nurturing and gentle deep ayurvedic care for postpartum, we all love you so much"
Sarah and Chris
Postpartum Preparation consultation:
Available in home or online
Supporting the mother and family prepare for the sacred postpartum window
includes preparing a helping hands guide, reference and support lists, responsibilities support list, shopping list for postpartum care foods, simple foods and recipes for postpartum for meal trains and families to cook, ayurveda assessment and more
For a free 15min discovery session "is this for me" or to book one off 1.5hr initial consultation or two 45min preparation consultations contact me here
Ayurdoula Postpartum care packages: IN HOME
In week packages: Each day for approximately 2 hours attending to mother (and baby) with an abhyanga, herbal wash, belly wrap, ayurvedic postpartum specific food, ayurvedic assessment to manage digestion, breast milk and care and other support needed to nourish mother back to optimum health and wellbeing
For a free 15mins discovery session "is this for me" or for more information on the "in home" ayurdoula care packages contact me here